☞ YourJob - Prijavi se na konferenciju projekta EUzaZapošljavanje ☞ Rujanski upisni rok na Sveučilištu u Mostaru otvoren do 06. rujna ☞ Vršnjačko nasilje (bullying) - Kako primjetiti da dijete trpi zlostavljanje? ☞ Aktivni građani Čapljine, snaga lokalne zajednice - Prijavi se na obuku ☞ University of Dalarna - Natječaj za stipendiranje internacionalnih studenata

Regional Youth Dialogue for Europe

Youth Fund for Local Youth Initiatives provides grants to support civil society organizations for projects that will improve and develop participatory youth policies in communities of the Western Balkans by supporting youth initiatives and fostering active citizenship and participation of young people in monitoring reforms and policies impacting youth in the region…


Applications open for RCOY Europe 2024

Organised by a diverse group of young climate advocates from all over Europe under the umbrella of YOUNGO, the official children and youth constituency to the UNFCCC, RCOY (Regional Conference of Youth) Europe is a regional climate conference meant to bring all European youth together to connect, share experiences and discuss climate-related topics together with guest experts…
