☞ Kako se pripremiti za intervju? ☞ Dokumentacija za stipendije - gdje je prikupiti? ☞ Kako pripremiti dobru aplikaciju za stipendiju? ☞ Imate startup ili poslovnu ideju? Ovo je prilika koja se ne propušta ☞ Prijavite se za IT praksu u Dubaiju ☞ UWC Natječaj - Prijavi se za školovanje i stipendiju

Engage, connect and empower youth for a sustainable green future

The project “Engage, connect and empower youth for a sustainable green future” is focused on two European Youth Goals: quality learning and sustainable green Europe. It aims at implementing a creative strategy in terms of capacity building for the new generation actually facing the problems of tomorrow related to environment degradation, climate change, and sustainability issues…
