CAS Sofia Fellowships for 2024/2025
Under the Advanced Academia Platform CAS Sofia offers a number of different fellowship schemes for postdoctoral researchers from the social sciences and the humanities for the 2024/2025 academic year…
Under the Advanced Academia Platform CAS Sofia offers a number of different fellowship schemes for postdoctoral researchers from the social sciences and the humanities for the 2024/2025 academic year…
Vlada Švicarske Konfederacije putem Komisije za dodjelu stipendija stranim studentima (ESKAS) objavljuje Natječaj za stipendije (Swiss Government Excellence Scholarship) za akademsku 2024/2025 godinu. Stipendije su namijenjene za doktorske, postdoktorske studije i istraživačke projekte u Švicarskoj…
Currently accepting applications for the 2024-2025 Fulbright Visiting Scholar Program. Apply online for the Visiting Scholar Program through October 31, 2023…