Join us for another online session for municipalities on the topic of measuring the impact of Youth Work. The session is held in the framework of the implementation of European Goes Local in the Western Balkans.
The objectives of the session are:
- To learn about the value and use of measuring the impact of youth work activities;
- To explore different models of measuring impact of youth work activities used by different municipalities, youth centres and youth organisations;
- To learn about the findings from two Erasmus+ projects aimed at measuring impact in youth work and to get acquainted with the tools for measuring impact developed by them;
- To reflect about the possibilities for applying tools for measuring impact by the municipalities involved in the EGL and the other local stakeholders active in youth work.
Three experts will share their experiences in the session:
- Hilary Tierney, Maynooth University, Ireland;
- Jelena Stojanović, National Association of youth workers, Serbia;
- Sonja Majcen, Youth centre Celje, Slovenia.
The session targets municipalities primarily from the Western Balkans, which are involved / interested in getting involved in Europe Goes Local. Also relevant stakeholders from other countries are more than welcome to join. The session is facilitated by D.Atanasov who is coordinating the implementation of Europe Goes Local in the Western Balkans.
Registration link: