Universität Regensburg – Call for Applications

The GS OSES at Universität Regensburg will admit three PhD candidates and two Pre-doctoral researchers to its program, beginning April 1st, 2022. The deadline for submission is November 28, 2021.

01 October 2021

This year, the Graduate School is once again able to announce a call for scholarships to start on April 1st 2022. A maximum of three doctoral scholarships and two predoctoral scholarships are to be awarded.

  • The doctoral scholarships are initially awarded for a limited period of 18 months, with a further 24 months’ funding (maximum of 42 months in total) available after successful evaluation.
  • The predoctoral fellowships are awarded for a total of 12 months. It is expected that within this funding period a doctoral project in a research field of the GS OSESUR will be developed in preparation for an application for external funding.

► see the Call for Application here: EN | DT

Please send your complete application by email (consolidate/merge all documents into one file preferably in PDF format, 5MB max.) to the administration office of the Graduate School at: graduiertenschule@ur.de (please make in the subject line clear: “Application Doctoral Scholarship” or “Predoctoral fellowship”).

The deadline for submission is November 28, 2021.

More info here

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