Call for applications for online KATALIZATOR program is opened today!
We are looking for strong and motivated teams with Idea stage Tech ideas to join our 11 weeks long IDEA to MVP program.
• Program to develop your IDEA,
• Program that requires work and commitment,
• Program that makes business from your idea, and
• Program which helps you find first testers/users/clients.
Applications for KATALIZATOR are opened until September 20th and 10 selected teams will participate in the program from October 1st till December 10th 2021.
KATALIZATOR is an 11 weeks long IDEA to MVP program for startup teams coming from Western Balkan countries.
We tend to make things very simple. We are looking for strong and motivated teams with idea stage Tech ideas. You have to be passionate about your idea, willing to dedicate your time for its development and you need to have basic market research done to persuade us that there is potential in your idea.
How strong is a team and how big the potential of the idea is something that we will look at when selecting 10 teams that will enter our program.